金曜日, 9月 21, 2007

Haha. Busy. Maybe not.

Kinda bored with holidays, although im not complaining..and all the stuff im supposed to be doing has not been done. G.G! The recent 80gb hard drive i got is already full. And the laptop is left with >10gb available space again. I can see why 500gb ones exist now...Well of course there is nothing illegal in the hard drive. Hahaha. Really. If there is, Makoto from School Days will die a horrible death in the anime. He deserves it anyway.

What I have not been doing for the past 10 days.

Day 1: Pon! Riichi! Haha i WIN.

Day 2: ChuxChu. Its like castlevania. Seriously.

Day 3: StepxSteady. No excuses i could find for this.

Day 4: Touhou 10. The blue and red 'rice' are actually bullets you have to dodge.

Day 5: Conboku. You have probably been seeing me playing their song on stepmania 24/7.

Day 6: Little busters! No this is not Iori Yagami or anyone related to him.
Day 7: 1-24 Fate. Magic genie appeared with a magical tv.

Day 8: Mahoraba 1-24. Magic genie appeared with a magical tv. SOUR!!!!!!!

Day 9: Tonagura 1-13. Magic genie appeared with a magical tv. Yeah!

Day 10: Hello Otome. NO ITS NOT INCEST. T^T

Oh yeah La Tendo will be moving to Kallang around next month, so they will be having a clearance. I got Dokuro chan already. As for the rest, I can only wait..or look. Spend anymore and i will have an occupation in Akihabara called, beggar.

日曜日, 9月 09, 2007

Window shopping is gay.

With only a month left, and only ONE day to shop, its time to do some planning. So I took down a list of stuff that I'm looking out for, to save more time when over there. Although this is not gonna control my budget cause there are too much stuff that amazes me over there. Not counting eroge though..those are 8k++yen each so they will be the last of my purchases.
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 使徒XX A-02 リリス XX
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 使徒XX A-14 ゼルエル-XX
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 使徒XX A-03 サキエル-XX
CLANNAD -クラナド- 古河渚
ねんどろいど びんちょうタン


Palm Charactersパームキャラクターズ 電撃文庫キャラクターズ

MELTY BLOOD メルティブラッド ぷりてぃコレクション
FA4 Navelキャラクターズ ぷりてぃコレクション
一騎当千 関羽雲長 苺みるくver.
ドラゴンクエスト スライム メタリックモンスターズ ギャラリー

ドラゴンクエスト ソフビモンスター(1) スライム
ドラゴンクエスト ソフビモンスター(2) ゴーレム
ドラゴンクエスト ソフビモンスター(3) りゅうおう・変身後
ドラゴンクエスト ソフビモンスター(4) デスピサロ


コンピレーショントレーディングカード RoSe TYPE:B
リトルバスターズ! トレーディングカード ムービック版
Sola トレーディングカード
双恋 ディープエンジェルカードコレクション
Gift(ギフト) ハイグレードトレーディングカードハイブリッド・カードコレクション ef-a fairy tale of the two

All D.C related stuff
D.C.II ダ・カーポII ディープエンジェルカードコレクション 前編

D.C.II ダ・カーポII ディープエンジェルカードコレクション 後編

D.C.II スプリングセレブレイション 公式パーフェクトビジュアルブック
D.C.II ダ・カーポII 白河ななかマウスパッド
D.C.II ダ・カーポII 白河ななか湯のみ
D.C.II ダ・カーポII 白河ななかタオル
D.C.II ダ・カーポII 白河ななか 立体マウスパッド トイズ・プランニング

And a nice 70cm banana bolster if I have the space :/

It would be most unlikely for me to find all of them, so I would have spare for other merchandise which would be : Garage kits, friend's requests, CDs, manga, the list goes on and on.

日曜日, 9月 02, 2007

Top 10 list of games to get
1) D.C.II.S.C
2) Little Busters
3) Chu x Chu Idol!
4) Really? Really!
5) Hoshiful
6) Clear
7) Pon Pon
8) Touhou 10
9) Shuffle!
10) Lyrical Lyric

With my kind of money, it is only possible to get 2. 3 will be the max. Remaining money needs to be spent for better purposes D: And I am finding G's magazine so useful now cause of the trip.

Anyway i have clarified my 1-week doubt.

Ar ar i am given the thumbs up ^^ GoGoGo!!

I didnt go to sunshine plaza as well. Decided not to do any booking for the figuirines.

But this one is a must get. No asking why.

This is so random. K i completed tetris. Yes i have never completed 200 lines before >.>
